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2016/04/04 2015/01/25 [Wifislax] Wifislax is a specialist a Slackware-based Linux distribution with a set of tools and utilities for performing wireless connection analyses and related security tests. The brand-new version 4.12, the first stable release in 12 months and based on the recently-released Slackware Linux 14.2, comes with numerous improvements and new tools. 2020/05/14 2016/08/08 Liberada wifislax-4.11 version final Bueno , pues otra actualización del livecd , en esta ocasión hay una gran cantidad de actualizaciones , debido en parte a que slackware publico de golpe mas de 300 updates ,para el sistema wifislax 4.3 final iso shared files: Here you can find wifislax 4.3 final iso shared files we have found in our database. Just click file title and download link will show up Our goal is to provide high-quality video, TV streams, music


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2016/04/04 WiFiSlax 4.5 Final (WiFi Hack BootCD) | 630 MB WifiSlax is a type of Slax OS made exclusively for wireless hacking. It comes with a bunch of wireless tools preloaded into it. These include Aircrack, Airsnort, kismet, madwifi drivers WiFiSlax 4.11.1 Final (WiFi Hack BootCD). GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Wifislax is a GNU/Linux distribution for performing quick and easy audits of wireless networks so that you can access the numerous tools within the system prepared to help you. These days, it's one of the tools most frequently used to audit WiFi networks, both for the wide variety of tools included to do so as well as the numerous drivers for network … modulos-wifislax の使い方 はまだ書かれていません。 ダウンロードファイル一覧 サイト情報 サイトアナウンス OSDNについて 人材採用 プライバシー 広告事業者のポリシー サイトスポンサー ソフトウェアを探す 検索 カテゴリで探す 64ビットのライブDVDとして配布分布は、DVDディスクに焼き付けるかの順序でUSBフラッシュ2ギガバイトのドライブ以上の容量に書き込まれなければならない唯一の64ビット(AMD64)のコンピュータプラットフォ のために Linux ::: 無料ダウンロード ソフトウェア


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